Mann sitzt vor einem Laptop und schaut sich etwas an.

Online didactic-courses in English: Sign up now!

You are a foreign lecturer teaching at a university in NRW? Wondering about the best strategies to enhance student learning? Then you are welcome to join Hochschuldidaktik NRW in Central Principles of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - a series of four workshops on basics in higher education didactics.

Your advantages: credited, online and for free!

Four online-courses will be offered in autumn 2023. They will be credited in the qualification programme Professional Teaching Competence for Universities:
Teaching and Learning - 30.10.2023, 9 am to 5 pm

Examining and Assessing - 13.11.2023, 9 am to 5 pm

Guiding Students - 20.11.2023, 9 am to 5 pm

Feedback - 27.11.2023, 9 am to 5 pm
More info online
Detailed information on each workshop and on the registration process is provided in the flyer.

Deadlines and registration

You are welcome to register for all or just selected workshops. Please note that registration starts on Monday, September 25. Please also note that registration is limited to 20 persons per workshop and early registration is recommended since places will be assigned according to the time of registration.

Background: What is Hochschuldidaktik NRW?

Hochschuldidaktik NRW is a network of 17 universities in NRW and offers (advanced) training in higher education didactics. Of course, we at the Center for Teaching and Learning (Zentrum für Wissenschaftsdidaktik, ZfW) and therefore the RUB are part of this network.

All RUB lecturers can take part in further training courses offered by the Network for Higher Education Didactics NRW at our partner universities. Participation is recognised within the framework of our programme. Please send us your certificate of participation. For further information on Hochschuldidaktik NRW, visit its website.

Further questions?

We are looking forward to welcoming you in our online-workshops and to explore the important and intriguing world of higher education teaching and learning!

Here you can find all courses of our didactics qualification programme (German language) at the Center for Teaching and Learning at RUB (Zentrum für Wissenschaftsdidaktik, ZfW).

If you have any further questions, please contact us!

Bildnachweis: pexels | Gustavo Fring

Neuigkeiten aus dem ZfW per E-Mail erhalten

Kristina Boosmann
Kristina Boosmann ist Mitarbeiterin im Bereich Hochschuldidaktik des Zentrums für Wissenschaftsdidaktik. Ihre Themenschwerpunkte sind die Konzeption und Umsetzung des Hochschuldidaktischen Qualifizierungsprogramms insbesondere mit Angeboten im Themenfeld Studierende beraten. Darüber hinaus begleitet sie Lehrende bei der Umsetzung des Vertiefungsmoduls.


Ältere Beiträge rund um das Thema E-Learning finden Sie im Net[t]working-Blog.
