UNIC Online-Workshops on Double and Joint Degrees and intercultural and innovative Teaching and Learning

Fünf Menschen stehen vor einer weißen Ziegelmauer, halten sich an den Händen und strecken die Arme in die Luft.
The Ruhr University Bochum is part of UNIC – the European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, an alliance of ten universities educating through teaching, research and community engagement, towards inclusive societies. In February and March 2025 four interesting online-workshops will take place addressing academic, administrative and teaching staff: Save the dates!

Focus on Teaching and Learning: UNIC InterTeach

UNIC aims to foster and support collaboration between the partners in learning and teaching. Apart from virtual exchange offers, open courses etc., another way to anchor collaboration structurally in the curricula and to offer an integrated study-abroad-experience to the students is to implement a double or joint degree programme.
The workshops will present different models for joint programmes, provide practical ideas for planning and implementation processes, mobility schemes and give space to exchange experiences, ideas and to discuss what kind of support is necessary either from UNIC or the home universities.
Learn more about different models of joint programs and receive practical input on how to plan and implement joint programmes:

Online-Workshop: Implementing Double and Joint Degrees
February 25th, 2025 | 15:00 – 17:00 CET | Register here
The workshop is addressed to both academics and administrative staff of UNIC universities.

Online-Workshop: Implementing Double and Joint Degrees
March 10th, 2025 | 15:00 – 17:00 CET | Register here
The workshop is addressed to both academics and administrative staff. Both UNIC members and members of other EUN alliances/other universities are welcome to join.

Speakers for both workshops: Susanne Lippold and Randolph Galla, Ruhr University Bochum

Focus on double and joint degrees

The ZfW coordinates the collaborative work of the UNIC Center for Teaching and Learning which offers the UNIC wide professional development programme for university teachers UNIC InterTeach: intercultural and innovative Teaching and Learning. It shall help and inspire university teachers to design innovative teaching and learning settings. All workshops are organized for an international audience, interactive, online and in English.

Upcoming events

Neuigkeiten aus dem ZfW per E-Mail erhalten

Jessica Dudde
Jessica Dudde kümmert sich im Zentrum für Wissenschaftsdidaktik und im Projekt KI:edu.nrw um die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit.


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